Missions to Africa
Missions to Africa prepares life changing mission trips packages for small groups, missionary organizations, families, and individuals
who want to serve in Africa. We lead missions to Kenya, Uganda, Burkina Faso, DR Congo and Sudan.
As your mission trips outfitters we aim for evangelization, African orphans outreach, and your life changing experience.
We make it personal:
We specialize in missionary and humanitarian travel.
We like to think about ourselves not as just a “travel agents”, but
rather as a “change-agents”. By partnering with us you will change
lives and your own life will also be changed.
When setting out for mission trips we draw from experience built in
years of operation. We are friends with African leaders of the
communities we are going to serve, and they know all local conditions
and needs. You will discover amazing hospitality wherever you go, and
learn about variety of African ways of life. In addition to the satisfaction
of serving others, you will experience fellowship with African people,
and vibrancy of growing, indigenous Christian communities.
Free mission trip quotes:
We are more than happy to help you pricing your short term
mission trip and if necessary help in raising funds.
Better rates:
Aware that you are not traveling for recreational purposes but
to minister to those in needs, we provide your team with value
priced rates. Years of experience in negotiating with local
pastors rather than travel agents enable us to choose the best
travel packages offered.
We help you pack
We offer a free travel checklist if necessary. You can come
prepared with your own equipment or you can choose from
different equipment we use.
Helpful Links:
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