Missions to Africa 
Missions to Africa prepares life changing mission trips packages for small groups, missionary organizations, families, and individuals who want to serve in Africa. We lead missions to Kenya, Uganda, Burkina Faso, DR Congo and Sudan. As your mission trips outfitters we aim for evangelization, African orphans outreach, and your life changing experience.
Meet Our Young Leaders Our ministries reached into different countries of Asia and Africa, our kids always knew they have sisters and brothers in distant lands with different languages and customs.  We always wondered, if in spite of the differences they could really relate to each other? In spring of 2013 we arranged for this unprecedented gathering and the fellowship. The results surpassed our greatest expectations.   Watch the attached video and see for yourself.
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Children Adaptation Programs As the Christian organizations in Africa are driven to open new Church Orphan Homes, and new groups of children are welcomed in, the process of initial stabilization is often a challenging one. These kids were previously exposed to abandonment, hunger and economic exploitation. If interested, your group can be part of activities aiming at psychological and medical changes they need. The workshops may involve: counseling, daily hygiene awareness classes, and sport and fine arts activities promoting appropriate social skills and behaviors. These are great mission opportunities for teachers, nurses and social workers.
Food Distribution Projects Severe droughts throughout Africa have caused the worst famine in decades. The first step in caring for millions, many of them children, hopelessly crowded in refugee camps is providing for the most basic need: food. From ready to use packaged goods to seeds, much help is sent to Africa every year. But another challenge is to ship the transports to those who really need them the most. The churches we work with are helping distribute life-giving food to the poorest while sharing the Gospel message. Would you like to be part of that project?
Cross-cultural Women Connections We want to connect American women with women who help in our Church Orphan Homes, or are part of the Church congregations in Africa.  We know that through cross-cultural learning, worship, and work they could build friendship and trust, and grow many partnership opportunities. We hope that as the women connect they’ll able to discover their global potential and work together on projects whether to achieve economic independence or to support entire Church Orphan Homes. Contact our Missions Department and ask about woman-to-woman mission trip opportunities.
We are Mission Trips Ministry of  Warm Blankets Orphan Care International©
Clean Water Solution Unclean water claims more life than war! Many people in the rural areas of Africa use surface water from area ponds and streams, or rain water collected from roof-tops. Such water is often contaminated by bacteria like dysentery or cholera. Give the gift of clean water to them! You can do so as a part of a mission team that provides and teaches how to use and maintain water filters. You could also share awareness about dangers of using contaminated water through health and hygiene education programs.