Missions to Africa 
Mission organizations, churches, small groups, families, or individuals who travel with us can expect: Participate in well prepared Christian community development projects Ministry with impact and fellowship Indigenous guides and translators Evangelization opportunities Leadership training
We are Mission Trips Ministry of  Warm Blankets Orphan Care International©
We will prepare for you: Field and cultural orientation Local air transport on demand Christian lodging options Best travel rates and insurance African Safari experience
Yes, if you want us to - we’ll help to pack so you can relax!
Mission Team Leaders  Your goals may be centered on humanitarian needs, spiritual growth, or service to a specific culture or tribe. We understand. But we will also keep your experience sound, so you can volunteer with peace of mind and in secure environment, enjoy African culture, and admire the splendor of African nature.
from our recent Mission Projects
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Missions to Africa prepares life changing mission trips packages for small groups, missionary organizations, families, and individuals who want to serve in Africa. We lead missions to Kenya, Uganda, Burkina Faso, DR Congo and Sudan. As your mission trips outfitters we aim for evangelization, African orphans outreach, and your life changing experience.
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